Kid’s Homeschool Skate
Enjoy an afternoon of skating at the Round-A-Bout Skate rink in Fayetteville, NC every Friday from 1pm-3pm. $7.00 a person
Enjoy an afternoon of skating at the Round-A-Bout Skate rink in Fayetteville, NC every Friday from 1pm-3pm. $7.00 a person
Event Location: Wander & Root Nature School 1328 Martin Rd, Jackson Springs, NC 27281 10:300-12:30 EVENT LINE-UP: Penguin Food Taste Testing - Light fun Snacks also provided. Ice/String Challenge […]
THIS EXHIBIT RUNS THROUGH JULY & AUGUST! ⭐ Art of the Brick is the best known LEGO® art exhibition in the world. After touring several cities and entering CNN's list of […]
Tuesday at the Hillcrest Park from 9:00-11:00am
Enjoy an afternoon of skating at the Round-A-Bout Skate rink in Fayetteville, NC every Friday from 1pm-3pm. $7.00 a person
THIS EXHIBIT RUNS THROUGH JULY & AUGUST! ⭐ Art of the Brick is the best known LEGO® art exhibition in the world. After touring several cities and entering CNN's list of […]
Tuesday at the Hillcrest Park from 9:00-11:00am
Enjoy an afternoon of skating at the Round-A-Bout Skate rink in Fayetteville, NC every Friday from 1pm-3pm. $7.00 a person
THIS EXHIBIT RUNS THROUGH JULY & AUGUST! ⭐ Art of the Brick is the best known LEGO® art exhibition in the world. After touring several cities and entering CNN's list of […]
Tuesday at the Hillcrest Park from 9:00-11:00am