Aberdeen Flag Football (Leagues for ages 6-15) | Aug. 28th – End of October
Cost: $15 Aberdeen Residents $30 Non-Residents Location: Aberdeen Elementary School
Cost: $15 Aberdeen Residents $30 Non-Residents Location: Aberdeen Elementary School
THIS EXHIBIT RUNS THROUGH JULY & AUGUST! ⭐ Art of the Brick is the best known LEGO® art exhibition in the world. After touring several cities and entering CNN's list of […]
Tuesday at the Hillcrest Park from 9:00-11:00am
Cost: $15 Aberdeen Residents $30 Non-Residents Location: Colonial Heights Park
No Limit of Capacity. Mondays/ Tuesdays Thursdays/Fridays
THIS EXHIBIT RUNS THROUGH JULY & AUGUST! ⭐ Art of the Brick is the best known LEGO® art exhibition in the world. After touring several cities and entering CNN's list of […]