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DON'T BE HINDERED BY "HOW" Be intentional and excited about your "why"

Uncharted was designed to support and empower homeschool families by offering simplified and streamlined resources. It aims to create a sense of community, accountability, and guidance for homeschooling. We are building and growing a positive environment to celebrate each family's unique version of success.

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Hi! I am Kelly Ann Frisch, a Momma and stepmother to 7 children. My decision to homeschool my 4 children was 7 years ago while my babies were just babies. My list of “whys” has only grown since making that BIG decision. If you are here, I am certain we share some of the same “whys” and I am here for it and you!

Over the last six years I have cultivated a learning lifestyle for our whole family through living our daily lives. The word “school” rarely comes up as its not one place for us. The opportunities are all around us and “its state of the art,” hands-on experiences.

Our children have been able to live their childhood outdoors, through travel, active within our local communities and by attending creative alternative programs. This has created a natural curiosity for learning, appreciation and love for the world around them. Believe it or not, their social skills are their greatest quality.

The homeschool journey is not hard or scary, but empowering and freeing, once you realize how simple it needs to be. There is something so special to watch your children grow within a skill when they are ready to do so. Your schedule as a homeschooler leaves so much time for what matters most and that is creating a meaningful life for you and your family.

For those of you that feel under qualified to educate your children, I see you. This momma set her college career aside, just a few classes shy of my bachelor’s degree in business management to become a full- time momma. Prior to my journey of a “homeschooling” momma, I spent 18 years in sales and management.

A child’s parent is their greatest teacher. They remember the lessons you teach them greater than anyone else! Time is precious. The freedom and privilege to live and learn alongside your child is a choice you will not regret!

I am excited to help you begin your journey into making this a lifestyle for your family.


Hello! I’m Brittney. Here’s the boring stuff first – I am a certified teacher and have a Masters of Public Health in Maternal and Child Health from UNC Chapel Hill and a certificate in Non-Profit Management from Duke University. 

Here’s the stuff that matters – I’m a nature- and book-loving, homeschooling mom to two children and founder of Wander & Root Nature School. I’m passionate about creating educational experiences for my children and other families that are, quite simply, “good for kids” – flexible, developmentally appropriate, meaningful, responsive to their needs, and FUN. 

My family follows an eclectic homeschooling style; some parts are highly structured and teacher/mom led, while other aspects are led by my kids’ interests and whatever life and nature is throwing at us. Community, nature connection, and reading great books take center stage in our daily lives.

I consider myself an “accidental” homeschooler. It wasn’t until schooling decisions were upon us with my oldest that I even thought about it. Before diving into what homeschooling really looks like in my community, the experience seemed lonely, isolating for kids, overwhelming, anti-public education and just NOT ME. I was so very, very, very wrong. After some research and conversations, it quickly and quite obviously became clear that this was a great path for my crew, for reasons related to both academics and lifestyle. Soon after, Wander & Root was born and our homeschooling journey began. 

If you’re considering homeschooling, but not quite sure – talk to me. We are figuring it out beautifully as we go, and you will, too. There are MANY different ways to do this well. I’m here to help you work through it all.